Monday, September 1, 2008

Labor Day Camping

Labor day weekend has come and gone. Why is it that when we are off work, time goes by so fast and the work week goes so slow? I guess time flies when you are having fun, and we had some fun. We went to Lake Texana this weekend. We enjoyed the outdoors (although it was very HOT), payed special attention to where Hurricane Gustav was going, hung out with friends, and had plenty of laughs.

Special thank you to all of the wonderful cooks we had the weekend. The food was great. Also, thank you to Jason and Lesa for the redneck slip and slide.

Here are the girls on the slip and slide

The girls waiting in line to be sprayed by Collin

Kayla, Morgan and Bella

Collin hanging out at the Leggio's Camper

Before the games began ---

Keri bringing in the goods

Enjoying a round of Kings!

The cards got beer spilled on them five different times. Sorry Julie, we owe you new cards!

Tim - strike a pose!

For all those who stayed up and sang your heart outs on Sunday night, I never knew we had such great singers in the group. For those of you that went to bed, you missed out on some good singing and sorry we probably kept you up.

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