Monday, August 25, 2008

First day of school!

It is impossible for you all to know how funny it sounds when Collin sings this song, but to quote my son, "..It's the end, the end, the end of summer...the end, the end, the end What a BUMMER.." The kids had a great summer. They went to some amazing camps, Kayla had a blast with Lunar Rendezvous, and Camping in our camper has ROCKED. Now it is time to get back on track. I didn't get to go drop the kids off at school on the first day because of my new job. Tim took them by himself and snapped a few photos for the blog...

Traditional photo in front of the clock

Whoops, Collin's eyes are closed....
Collin in is 1st Grade room!

Kayla in her 3rd grade room!

Don't they look just adorable! They survived the first day back without me. Next thing I know they will not be wanting me to come up to the school with them. Let's hope that doesn't happen for a long while. It was probably for the best. Last year, I had a few tears on the first day. Collin did almost get on the wrong bus home and Kayla had to talk to the Principal to get him on the right bus. Thank goodness she is such a great big sister. They both said their teachers are very nice, we will see how long that lasts.

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