Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Yogi Camping

This weekend we went camping. It was a cold weekend for camping, but as usual we had a good time. Collin got on Saturday (and is actually still sick on Tuesday). So he didn't get to have too much fun. He did go fishing and catch a fish.

Tommy and Jill hanging out by the fire on Friday night

Bryan and Jill Halata

Rusty about to tell us a good story

Jill made Rusty a OJT baseball cap since he got it stolen by Tim at the Christmas party

Kid photo with yogi

Collin and his FISH....

Tim, Tommy, Rusty and Brian playing washers before the Crawfish boil.

Special thank you to Tommy and Brian for making great crawfish. Everyone enjoyed it.

Keri and Rusty taking the kids to the petting zoo.
Another great camping trip!

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