Saturday, January 24, 2009

New Years Camping

I have been a little behind on the posts, due to us working on the house. We went camping in Lake Livingston. Tim's Sister Kelly and her family joined us and of course we had the rest of the OJT camping group. We have all become such good friends and our children really enjoy playing together. We are already starting to plan our trips for this year and it is looking like we are going to have another great camping year.

Sam, Collin and Ethan

Kelly, Tim and Scott

As the night went on the kids did little skits, we roasted marsh mellows, the kids did sparklers and then we had Champagne toasts.

Keri starting the toasts

Julie Leggio toasting the new year

Will, Kayla, Kelly, Scott, Timmy, Reagan, Ethan, Collin and Sam

The kids had Mario Cart races

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